78 Allen Street

78 Allen Street (map)


Aesthetic & Representative

No 78 Allen Street is a single storey house constructed in tuck pointed brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and sets of three casement windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is set on timber posts supported on brick piers. The roofscape features a pair of render capped chimneys.


1933 New Shop Assistants’ Union Organiser, At the elections held by the Shop Assistants' Union for the election three organisers, the present officials, Messrs. H. Backshall and A. Levey, were elected, and Mr. Fred. Mann's place who retired to take over the secretaryship of the Fremantle Trades Hall, was won by Mr. H. P Jensen. The new organiser, who will be in charge of the Fremantle district, has been a delegate from his union on the Fremantle District Council of the A.L.P. for the past 2 ½ years. He has been a member of the Board of Control of the union for three years, and a member of the union for nearly nine years. Mr. Jensen is 24 years of age, and was born at Leederville. Harry has been a very active member of his union, and is very popular with the rank and file. He has made a splendid impression on delegates of the A.L.P. Council, and with youth, enthusiasm and ability to back him will be a welcome adjunct to the Labor movement at the port. (reference)

1938 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Alice Woodhead, of 78 Allen-street. East Fremantle. widow of the late George Woodhead, loved mother of Thomas, Alice (Mrs. Devic, Geralton) and Elsie (Mrs. Dines) will be interred in the Methodist portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1938 The following nominations for officers of the ALP State Executive were received: President: P. J. Mooney... Disputes Committee: G. P. Foley, F. Mann, F. Schnaars, H. P. Jensen, O. Cook, R. Thornett, J. Smith, E. (reference)

1941 New Union Organiser. Mr. Dave Woods, former prominent footballer, has been elected Fremantle organiser of the Shop Assistants and Warehouse Employees' Union. He started his new duties today in succession to Mr. H. P. Jensen, who resigned to take over the managership of a hotel. (reference)


1929 - 1938: Dines, William W.

1938 - 1939: Jensen, Hans P.

1939 - 1949: Dines, Mrs E.

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78 Fortescue Street

78 Fortescue Street (map)


Late Interwar, Bungalow w Spanish Mission Influences

No 78 Fortescue Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped decramastic tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style with some Spanish Mission features. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with an offset hip roofed entry porch. The porch is carried on arches that are supported on piers. There is a central door flanked by casement windows. The front elevation features casement windows.


1915 Shipping. The following passengers arrived at Fremantle last-night by the s.s. Dimboola from Melbourne: W. J. Bailey... (reference)

1944 To Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, 78 Fortescue-street., East Fremantle. On October 10 at Woodside Hospital—a daughter. Both well. (reference)

1946 To the Licensing Court for the district of Fremantle in Western Australia—I, Walter John Bailey, now residing at 78 Fortescue Street, East Fremantle..., do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next quarterly sitting of the Licensing Court for the said district for a Gallon licence for the premises which I now occupy situated at Lot 546, Rockingham Road, Spearwood, which premises are not now licensed. (reference)

1946 Merchant Applies for Licence. The Bench also reserved its decision sine die in respect of an application by Walter John Bailey, store keeper, of Rockingham-road, Spearwood, for a gallon licence. The applicant, for whom Mr. N. De B. Cullen appeared, gave evidence that there were about 1,000 persons in the district that he served and that the nearest hotel was three miles away. He had had numerous requests from customers to obtain a licence. The application was opposed by Inspector Anderson on the grounds that the premises were unsuitable for the sale of liquor and that the reasonable requirements of the district did not justify the granting of a licence. (reference)

1947 Wanted. Girl, Just left school, assist light house work, part time or full. Apply 78 Fortescue-st. East Fremantle. (reference)


1937: New House Vacant

1938 - 1949: Bailey, Walter J.

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78 Hubble Street

78 Hubble Street (map)


Federation, Georgian Domestic Carpenter

No 78 (previously known as No 136) Hubble Street is a single story house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with an ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The place is symmetrically planned a central door and hopper light flanked by single pane double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on steel posts. The verandah is a replacement. 


1935 Death on April 17 at her residence, 136 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, Mary Ann ,widow of the late John Edward Conolly, of Auburn, NSW, and loving mother of Mary Jane (Mrs. Grady, Fremantle East), Susan (Mrs. J. J. Flanagan, Cunderdin), Annie (East Fremantle), Jack (Coramba. NSW), and Margaret (Mrs. P. J. Linto East Fremantle); passed away at the age of 81 years. (reference)

1935 The Friends of Miss Annie Conolly, of 130 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, and of Messrs. H. A. W. Jones Ltd., Fremantle, are respectfully informed that the remains of her late dearly beloved mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Conolly, will be interred in the Roman Catholic portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1935 Death Of Young Indian: Galan Kibrea Sarkar (23), an Indian hawker. Sarkar was fatally injured when he was pinned beneath a motorcycle he was riding which collided with two pedestrians at the corner of Carrington street and Canning-road, Palmyra, about 12.15 a.m. on December 80. Patrick S. Linto, clerk, of 115 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, one of the pedestrians with whom Sarkar collided, said he was walking along Canning-road in the direction of Fremantle… Evidence of identification was tendered by deceased's father, Shaik A.W. Sarkar, a draper, of John-street, North Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Death on April 15, at Fremantle, Annie Connolly, of 78 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, daughter of the late Edward and Mary Conolly and dearly beloved sister of Mary Jane (Mrs. Grady), Susan (Mrs.J, J. Flanagan), John (N.S.W.), Margaret (Mrs. T. W. Daly), and the late Sister Mary Cassian, Harry and Paddy; passed away at the age of 56 years. (reference)


1908 - 1910: Walker, James M.

1911: Hollands, Mrs. Helen

1913: Connor, Myles

1914: Wood, Clifton L.

1915: Connor, Miles B.

1916 - 1919: Conolly, Miss A.

1920 - 1922: Conolly, Miss A. & Linto, Patrick Joseph

1923 - 1947: Conolly, Miss A.

1949:  vacant

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78 Oakover Street

78 Oakover Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House with Art Deco / Arts & Crafts Influences

78 Oakover Street is a single-storey house constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Art Deco style. The place has been extensively modified in the 21st century. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gabled bay, a stone clad porch and a part-width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts set on piers. The verandah stops at the porch. The gable bay features a curved bay window under a flat roofed awning. The entry door is located under the porch and is flanked bay windows. The windows comprise casement and fixed lights. The porch and bay window are later additions. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1941 Birth on December 12 at Hillcrest Hospital to Syd and Joy of 78 Oakover-street, East Fremantle—a daughter (Mara Diane). Both well. Strictly no visitors. (reference)

1946 Star Caravans. S. E. Main,  78 Oakover-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Mr. S. E. Main, started a "backyard factory" at East Fremantle. Today he is the proprietor of a rapidly expanding motor-body-building business with assets exceeding £15,000. Although in general the story of Mr. Main's success follows the local-boy-makes-good pattern there are some unusual angles. (reference)

1950 Taxation Claim. Writ Issued For £8,095. The Deputy-Commissioner of Taxation, through the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor, has issued a Supreme Court writ against Sydney Ernest Main, engineer and caravan builder, of Oakover-street, East Fremantle, claiming £8.095/9/10 as a debt due by the defendant for sales tax and group income tax deductions from employees' wages, and additional tax for late payment of tax and additional tax for the late lodgment of returns. (reference)

1950 In the Court of Bankruptcy District of Western Australia of 1950: Re: Sydney Ernest Main, of 78 Oakover-street, East Fremantle. Engineer and Caravan Builder. (reference)


1940 - 1949: Main, Mrs. E.


78 Irwin Street

78 Irwin Street (map)


Inter-War, Simple Gable Bungalow

No 78 Irwin Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gabled tiled roof. It is a simple expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts. A gable is located centrally on the verandah marking the front entry. The lot has been subdivided and a residence built to the rear.


1928 Birth on December 23, at Hillcrest Hospital, North Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Moss, of East Fremantle—a daughter (Edna Florence). (reference)

1931 - Wedding On October 31 a pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Peter's Church, East Fremantle, the contracting parties being Millicent May, second daughter of Mrs. H. Moss, of East Fremantle, and Samuel Bagge, of East Fremantle and Wyening, W.A., fourth son of Mr. George Maw, of Sunderland, County Durham, England. The bride looked charming in a white crepe satin dress sprayed with orange blossom. She wore a veil and coronet and carried a bouquet of white roses with streamers. The veil was loaned by Mrs. Florrie Moss...Mr. V. Moss was best man. The bride was given away by her elder brother, Mr. Robt. K. Moss. The wedding breakfast was held in St. Peter's Hall, the guests being received by the bride's mother... (reference)

1934 Birth at Nurse Bathgate's Private Hospital, Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Constantine, of Fremantle—a son (Alan Graham). Both well. (reference)

1935 Death on April 24, Edward James, dearly loved infant son of John and Doris Pattinson, aged five days. (reference)

1939 Maid For Trial On £77 Theft Charge. The allegation that a domestic "cleared out" from a Nedlands home with £77 worth of clothing and household articles while her employer was out, was made in the Perth Police Court today. Stockily-built, 36-year-old Harriet Ivy Reid was committed for trial on a charge of having stolen clothing and other goods from James George Darby, manufacturers' agent. The woman is alleged to have "cloaked" two suitcases containing clothing at the Fremantle and Claremont railway stations...John B. Pattinson, Fremantle porter, said that on May 28, about 11 a.m., Harriett Reid collected a cloakroom ticket for a case, which she said she had left there the previous evening. She gave the name of Miss Neil... (reference)

1953 Lost. Thurs. youth's maroon Cardigan, Dalgety-st.. E.F., return 78 Irwin-st. Reward. (reference)

1954 Lost. Tuesday. pink and grey Galah, 78 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)


1933 - 1934: Moss, Frederick

1934 - 1935: Constantine, C. E.

1935 - 1949: Pattinson, John B.

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78 King Street

78 King Street (map)


Federation / Georgian Influences

No. 78 (previously was no. 152) King Street is a single storey cottage constructed in rendered limestone with a hipped corrugated iron roof. The house is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by bay windows. The bay windows are double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts. 


1924 Motorbike Registration. No. 2038.B.S.A, George Edinger, 152 King William-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1930 Car Registration. No. 26022: Benns Ltd, to Frank H. Edinger, 152 King-street East Fremantle, Chevrolet. (reference)

1931 Truck Transfer. No. 19873: George Bolger to Francis Henry Edinger, 152 King-street, East Fremantle, Chevrolet truck. (reference)


1912 - 1935: Edinger, George

1935 - 1936: Pryce, W. M. James

1936 - 1938: Pryce, W. M. O.

1938 - 1940: Bruce, Robert F.

1940 - 1942: Styles, Arthur C.

1942 - 1943: Vacant

1944: Gilpin, Mrs. Laura

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78 East Street

78 East Street (map)


Early Federation, Georgian / Gothic Influences

No. 78 (previously was no. 114) East street is a single storey duplex constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped ‘M’ format iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a skillion roofed front verandah. Entry doors are equally offset from the party wall. The doors are flanked by windows. Tapered masonry walls extend from the duplex to the boundary. These walls enclose the front yard and divide the dwellings.


1930 Tale. A Cheering Prospect.The writer of an old book of travel, relating his experiences on being shipwrecked on an unknown shore, concludes: "After having walked eleven hours without having traced the print of a human foot, to my great comfort and delight I saw a man hanging upon a gibbet. My pleasure at the cheering prospect was inexpressible, for it convinced me that I was in a civilised country." S. Hammond, 114 East-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1930 Tale. A Clairvoyant. "Have you anything to say before the sentence is passed?" inquired the Judge of the convicted burglar. "The only thing I'm kicking about," replied the burglar, glaring with open scorn at the chief witness against him, "is bein' identified by a man that kep' 'is 'ead under the bedclothes the 'ole time I was in the room."-S. Hammond, 114 East-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Recipe. Second prize is awarded to Mrs. C. Hammond, 114 East-street, East Fremantle, for Some Choice Vegetable Dishes. Turnip Cups, Parsnip Fritters, Surprise Balls... (reference)

1952 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Petterson, of 78 East-street, East Fremantle, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Ebba to Colin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Back, of Fremantle. (reference)


1908 - 1911: McNicol, Daniel

1912 - 1914: Barfield, Henry

1915 - 1916: Large, Arnold F.

1917 - 1918: Dymock, George

1919: Darcy, Arthur

1920: Faul, Mrs Annie

1921: Darcy, Arthur M.

1922: Clegg, Charles O.

1923: Lockwood, Walter

1924 - 1934: Hammond, Mrs Clara

1934 - 1935: Faithfull, C.

1935 - 1938: Petterson, Charles

1938 - 1952: Pettersen, Charles

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78 Fraser Street

78 Fraser Street (map)



1946 Fatal Collpase. John Patrick Ryan (46), rigger, of 78 Fraser-street, East Fremantle, died suddenly at his home at 1.15 am. yesterday. Ryan, who was employed at the naval boom defence at Fremantle, complained of pains in the chest about 1 am. A doctor was summoned, but Ryan collapsed and was found to be dead when the doctor arrived. A post-mortem examination will be made. (reference)

1947 Death on November 12, suddenly at East Fremantle, Nancy Ryan, of 78 Fraser-street. East Fremantle, widow of the late John (Paddy) Ryan and dearly beloved mother of Peter. (reference)

1950 Mr. and Mrs. G. Browne of 20 Murray-street, Palmyra, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Betty Louisa, to Peter John, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ryan, of 78 Fraser-street. East Fremantle. (reference)


1934 - 1935: Hartrey, A.

1935 - 1938: Coyne, John P.

1938 - 1947: Ryan, John

1949: Ryan, Peter J.