Penshurst is a two storey late Victorian residence constructed of limestone masonry with extensive verandahs on the north-east corner and timber skillions at the rear, as well as two palm trees in front of the house on a large open site. It has a particularly striking design with two multi-faceted bays at right angles to one another on the north-east corner, around which is wrapped a two storey verandah.
No 51 View Terrace, Penshurst, is a substantial late Victorian dwelling. The place exhibits the exuberance of WA’s Gold Boom era. It is a two storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is asymmetrically composed with two multi-faceted bays at right angles to one another on the north-east corner. The internal planning of the building is also unusual because of the arrangement of these bays. A two storey hip roofed verandah wraps around the residence. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A simple frieze spans between posts on the ground floor. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts on the first floor. Pairs of doors and hopper lights are located both floors on the north east corner. The doors are flanked by double hung sash windows. The walls are limestone with brick quoins. The roofscape features stout brick chimneys.
Penshurst has significant landmark qualities. It is prominently sited on Richmond Hill and visible from various vantage points along the Swan River including Cypress Hill in North Fremantle and Monument Hill in Mosman Park.
The place retains its form and most of its details. There are additions and a garage to the rear. Access to garage is via Penshurst Street. The place originally was set on a substantial lot. It has since been subdivided into three lots with residences built either side of the place.
The place plays an important role in the pattern of development of a middle class suburb.
Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle.
1924: Vacant.
1926-1941: Foster, Fred Chas & Smith Geo.
1942: Vacant
1943 - 1944: O.W. Strang Flats. Dawson, Herbt E.
& Phillips, Mrs
1945: O W Strang Flats.
Wyndow & Elphick& Keneally & Phillips Mrs & Wright, Mrs.
1946 -1947: O W Strang Flats
Hutchins, Mrs D & Sweetapple Alt & Phillips Mrs P
de Witt, J C & Wright, Mrs A.
1949: Hutchins, Mrs D & Tasker Mrs, Fairchild, Stan W & Poerter Lyall & Wright Mrs A.
![6-3-07 View SSW 49 & 47 View Terrace.jpg](