Federation Free Classical style
No 77-85 George Street is a fine two storey building comprised of shops and residences. The place is constructed in rendered masonry with low pitched roofs behind a classically derived parapet wall. The shops are designed as a corner and mid-block suite building. There is a separate entrance for the sole residence on Sewell Street. The corner shop has a corner entrance. A cantilevered awning follows the line of the building and spans across most of the facades. Most of the shop fronts have been modified. Above the awning are pairs of single pane double hung sash windows surrounded with rendered architraves. Each pair of windows identifies a dwelling. A pilaster divides each shop and residence. The top of the parapet is terminated with an entablature. There are a further two single storey shops attached to the eastern side of the building.
1945 Notice to Creditors and Claimants. Re Robertson, Sarah Mary Ann, late of 81 George-street, East Fremantle, Married Woman, deceased, intestate. (reference)
1945 The Friends of the late Mrs. Sarah Robertson, of 81 George Street, East Fremantle, dearly beloved wife of John William are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred to the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery- The Funeral will leave her late residence, 81 George-street, East Fremantle, at 3.30 o'clock. (reference)
1946 The list of missing people was added to last night by a request to the police that a search be instituted for George Daniel Robertson (79), who left his home at 81 George-street, East Fremantle, early yesterday afternoon and has not returned. He suffers from loss of memory and, if spoken to, may be able to give his name but no other particulars about himself. He is a thinly-built man, 5ft. 4in. in height. (reference)
1946 Missing Man Found. George Daniel Robertson (79), of 83 George-street, East Fremantle, who on Tuesday night was reported to be missing, was found about 7.10 a.m. yesterday in a waiting shed in Stirling-highway, near the rope works, and was taken to his home. He had apparently been wandering most of the night. (reference)
1909 - 1912: Whittlesea & Smith (butchers)
1913 - 1915: Grosser, Frederick S. (butcher)
1916: Vacant
1917 - 1922: Taylor, Mrs. M. (draper)
1923: Stephenson, Miss. L. (dressmaker)
1924: Stephenson, E. R. (mfr jewellery) & Stephenson, Miss L. (dressmaker)
1925: Logan, Mrs. W. (mlnr)
1926 - 1928: Thornett, Miss. Flora (dressmaker)
1929: Russell, Mrs. C. Sinclair & Keys (Mesdames, dressmakers)
1930 - 1937: Sinclair & Keys (Mesdames, dressmakers)
1937 - 1939: Vacant
1939 - 1941: Masters, Mrs. C. (dressmaker)
1942: Robertson Mrs. Sarah
1944: Vacant
1945 - 1949: Schradir, Mrs. Ethel M.
81 George St- Fred Grosser Butcher Shop and delivery carts, Battye library 67698P