Raymond Lennard Brickhill
Raymond Lennard Brickhill was born 18 June 1917 in Perth. He and his father were foundation members of the Fremantle Amateur Cycling Club in 1931 and Ray broke many cycling records. The whole family were exceptional and interesting.
Ray’s grandfather John Currie Brickhill (1859-1927) arrived in WA with his family in 1895. He came from Goulburn, NSW with his wife Mildred Gregson (1859-1923). John became a journalist with, and Secretary of The Daily News and was for many years a member of WA Cricket Association (WACA). (reference). They had 10 children, three of whom died young: (unnamed dec), Ethel Mary, Joseph Gregson, Lennard Bromley, Everard Curry, Bernard Thomas, Elsie Jean, Arthur (dec), Naomi (dec) John Eric. They lived at 24 Stone Street, West Perth.
Ray’s father Lennard (Leonard) Bromley Brickhill (1885-1956) was the fourth of ten siblings.
In 1916 Lennard married Grace Irene Ferguson (1889-1978) and they had four children: Raymond Lennard (1917-1997), Bernard Kenneth (1920-1995), Annie Mildred (1922-1995), and Constance Louise (1927-1989). One year after their marriage Lennard joined the war effort. Being well known in musical circles as the possessor of a fine tenor voice, and known as “Baritone Brickhill” he toured in England with the 4th Brigade Pierrots, before leaving for France, to entertain sick and wounded soldiers.
1917 “In the evening a good show by the Brigade Pierrot troupe, "The Blue Dandies," of which "Dinks" Patterson, of Kalgoorlie, was the comedian, was much appreciated. In passing, it may be stated here that these shows were now recognised as a necessity in the preservation of the morale of the troops”. (reference)
In Nov 1917 Grace, Ray’s mother, was notified by the Military Department, that her husband, Private L. B. Brickhill, had been severely wounded by gunshot in the right leg), and was in Reading War Hospital, England. He was in and out of hospital, suffering from colitis and ‘conjunctivitis’ and returned to Fremantle in April 1919. After his return Lennard worked as a meter reader with the Water Supply Department and the family lived at 25 Fraser St, Richmond, East Fremantle, from 1922 to 1927 at 187 Canning Highway, on the corner of Moss and Canning Highway, and from 1927-1949, they lived 8 Irwin St, East Fremantle.
1933 Among the Port's cycling fraternity there is no more popular personality than Mr. Lennard Brickhill, the genial and hard-working president of the Fremantle Amateur Cycling Club... Two years ago, when the senior club was formed, Mr. Brickhill was unanimously elected president. He is the father of Ray, the noted backmarker in the juniors... Always ready to give, or take, a joke, he is a much-esteemed officer of the club... (reference)
1933 RAY BRICKHILL. This brilliant junior will attempt a five mile unpaced record on Saturday, September 30th. (reference)
30 Sep 1933 FIVE MILE RECORD- R. L. Brickhill, the promising Fremantle cyclist created a five miles unpaced junior amateur record at the Fremantle Oval this morning. (reference)
5 Oct 1933 R. Brickhill set the times of 13 min. 8 secs, as a junior 5 mile unpaced standing start track record when on Saturday morning, against troublesome winds he set out to establish figures for the journey. Brickhill, who rode an 84 inch gear is only 16 years of age, and his time compares favorably with the senior professional record of 12.33 3-5, considering the conditions under which he rode. (reference) See photo (reference)
23 Mar 1934 FREMANTLE AMATEUR CLUB. The annual general meeting of the Fremantle Amateur Club was held at Fremantle on Tuesday night. The president (Mr. L. B. Brickhill) occupied the chair and judging by the enthusiasm displayed the coming road season should be a period of marked progress... (reference)
9 Feb 1935 FELL FROM CYCLE. While training for bicycle races at Richmond Park, Fremantle, today, Ray Brickhill (17), of 8 Irwin street, East Fremantle, fell when his machine struck a piece of wood lying on the track. Brickhill was taken to the Fremantle Hospital by the St. John ambulance suffering from concussion and abrasions to his arms. (reference)
24 Oct 1935 Cycling. Attempts to establish four amateur tandem records will be made by two prominent Fremantle riders in D. Stevenson and R. L. Brickhill, on Sunday 3rd November. They aim to set figures for the single journey from Fremantle to Perth, from Perth to Fremantle, for the return journey, and for 25 miles. Both are young and brilliant riders, with excellent solo performances to their credit and, given favorable weather conditions, are expected to establish very fast times...CYCLE CLUB'S PICNIC. On Sunday last the Fremantle Metropolitan Junior Club held a picnic, which they hope to make an annual event, at Jandakot… and the total attendance exceeded 200. At the ground, ice-cream, ginger beer and oranges were distributed free. The afternoon was well occupied with a varied sports programme, at the conclusion of which Mr. Brickhill presented prizes won during the road racing season...(reference)
18 Jan 1936 Cycling. BRICKHILL WINS AT THE PORT. By a margin of one point R. Brickhill today won the main cycling event at the fixture conducted at Richmond Park by the Fremantle Amateur Cycling Club...(reference)
In 1937 Ray Brickhill passed the School of Mines Examinations (reference) in Kalgoorlie and in Sept 1939 he married Hilma Vivyenne Peace Kennedy in Fremantle. Hilma was born in Coolgardie in 1918. (reference)
17 Sep 1939 Pastel Green and Burgundy. LOVELY color tonings were outstanding at the wedding yesterday of Miss Hilma Kennedy, only daughter of Mrs. E. Kennedy, of Attfield-street Fremantle, whose marriage took place to Mr. Raymond Brickhill, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Brickhill of East Fremantle. The wedding took place at St. John's Church, Fremantle… Three bridesmaids were in attendance, Misses Dorothy Morrell, Mildred Brickhill, and Noel James, each frocked in palest green broderie anglaise organza, with full picture skirts, fitting bodices, with puffed sleeves and burgundy velvet sashes. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Dave Stevenson as best man... Mr. and Mrs. Brickhill will make their future home in Kalgoorlie. (reference)
From 1941-1949 Ray and Hilma lived on Canning Highway, Bicton.
18 Jun 1945 CYCLING. R. BrickhiIl's Success. In a thrilling finish in which six riders took part and in which three were within half a wheel of one another, R. Brickhill (Fremantle) gained first and fastest time on Saturday afternoon in the 15-mile handicap conducted by the Fremantle club. This was his second win this season and the third time that be has gained time honours...(reference)
Ray’s father Lennard passed away in 1956 and his mother, Grace in 1978.
Raymond died on the 21 November 1997 in Perth, aged 80 and Hilma died on 17 Aug 2001 in Perth, aged 82.
Lennards siblings:
Lennards youngest brother ‘Bugler’ Eric Brickhill, also fought in France with the 11th Battalion.
Another brother- Private Bernard Brickhill was invalided home after two years' service with the 11th Battalion (reference), worked with the home guard in Fremantle and in July 1918 before Lennard or Eric returned home, Bernard died in Fremantle Military Hospital (from stomach cancer), and was given a full Military funeral. (reference)
Another brother Everard was threatened with blindness. He went on to become a ‘irrigationist’ and design a ‘sprinkler’ in an effort to keep him from entering a public asylum for the blind and doing so met his future wife:
1927 In the middle of perfecting his invention when he had to endure the handicap of an almost vanished vision, a young lady amongst the interested spectators at a croquet lawn, Miss Ellen Gay, of Melbourne,stepped forward, and with her two boy brothers did all they could to make the demonstration a success. Having been a wholehearted war-worker herself, and knowing the story of the good work done by the family (including Pianiste Elsie Brickhill), she went into the sprinkler scheme, married Everard B and is now literally his right hand and guiding spirit in all his works and enterprises. Mr. and Mrs. Brickhill arrived in Perth last week from the Eastern States and are giving a demonstration to the Government, the acting-mayor and councillors of Perth next Tuesday in the old Post Office Gardens. (reference)
Lennards sister Elsie Brickhill was also well known for her efforts during WW l. In 1916 she raised money through concerts such as this one at the YMCA Social Centre at Blackboy Hill:
“'The new leave regulations have made a difference to the Y.M.C.A. work. Wednesday now gives an off night, but still the boys in camp gather and make the best of it. Miss Brickhill's concert was moved from Wednesday to Thursday last week... Miss Brickhill battled bravely against severe handicaps. The change of night deprived her of most of her expected assistance, and like a wounded V.C. hero holding a trench with a handful of troops, she, though suffering from influenza, mounted the platform, and occupied it with the assistance of Miss Younge as pianiste and Mr. O'Keefe as magic, entertainer.’’ (reference)
1924 On Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. A. Hughes, Bagot road, a farewell evening, prior to her leaving for Sydney was tendered to Miss Elsie Brickhill by the musical members connected with the Not Forgotten League. For months past, under Miss Brickhill's able organisation,regular weekly and monthly concerts have been arranged for the soldier patients of the Edward Millen, Stromness, Anzac, Kalamunda and Perth Hospitals, and the evening was given as a mark of appreciation for Miss Brickhill's efforts in this direction. (reference)
In 1924 she wrote under the title ‘Aussie Girl’ in the Listening Post - the magazine of the RSL. and also performed on GWF Radio- In 1925 she sang 'The Floral Dance( reference)
Elsie never married and In 1929 travelled to England and Scotland. She intended to stay five months, but was offered the job of reorganising the Scottish welfare scheme for girls (similar to the British Y.W.C.A.) in Inverness. She took an active interest in the work of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, of which King Edward and Queen Mary were the patrons where children were simply taken away from their families and sent to the Barnardo Homes or similar institutions.(reference)
1936 Elsie Brickhill - Who returned to Perth on Tuesday by the Moldavia to spend a six months holiday with her sister, Mrs. Edmund Adamson, of Carrington-street, Mt. Lawley. Miss Brickhill will be remembered for her work during the war years and after, when she was secretary of the 11th Battalion Association. Nearly eight years ago she went to England for a holiday, and stayed. First she was identified with the R.S.P.C.A in London, then she became secretary to a girls' club for millhands and weavers. Miss Brickhill struck a bright note on the Terrace this week, her violet hat being trimmed with yellow and green feathers, most of which colors were embodied in her tartan suit of Glenorchy tweed. (reference) and (reference)
Elsie died in 1984, aged 95, at Carmel, Western Australia.
Ray Birchill 1933 New Call, Thu 5 Oct 1933 Page 21