Charlotte 'Lottie' Mickle
Charlotte Jane ‘Lottie’ Mickle, ran a Newsagency and Grocery Store on the corner of Glyde Street and 29 Canning Highway, East Fremantle from 1917-1925. She was a single mother who brought up four children and two of her daughters; Dorothy and Bessie, became well-known music teachers in the district.
Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Jane Avery was born 28 April 1869 in Wollongong NSW. Her parents Catherine Ogle and James Avery 3rd had a large family of 10 children.
Lottie married David Shaw Mickle (1860-1912), originally from Pleasant Creek, Victoria, in July 1899, in Sydney.
David was a barber, hairdresser and tobacconist. His brother John James Mickle also a hairdresser, had moved to the WA Goldfields in the late 1890s and set up in Beria. David joined him and took the family to start a hairdressing business nearby, at Mt Morgans near Laverton WA, around 1900. At first, like many, they lived in a hession ‘humpy’ and one night, when the local Constable was sick, they were robbed of all their savings, while they slept. (reference)
David Mickle prospered however and was reported to soon be “the proud possessor of the largest hairdressing saloon (beautifully mirrored and pictured) on the northern fields.” He was also patron of the local football association and gave away many medals. (reference)
Their first son Avery David Morgan, born in 1900- was the first white baby that was publicly christened on that portion of the northern goldfields. (reference) Sadly Avery died just 7 months later. The town mourned his death along with his parents. (reference)
David and Lottie went on to have 4 more children: Agnes ‘Dorothy’ Maude (1902-1992), Olive Mary Catherine (12.1.1904-2004), Alice ‘Bessie” (1906-1981) and David Rupert James (1908- 1974).
From 1900 until 1912 David operated as a Barber and Hairdresser in Mt Morgans. Things started to go downhill as a depression hit the goldfields and in 1909 and David Mickle went Bankrupt:
Re David Mickle. In this case his Honor said that it appeared that the bankruptcy had been brought about by the depression in mining at Mt. Morgans, which rendered it impossible for him to collect his debts or dispose of his assets at a fair price; In the circumstances the debtor was entitled to an unconditional discharge. (reference)
In July 1911 the house of John James Mickle, David’s brother, was raided by Police and he was charged with being the keeper of a common gaming house at Lancefield. David was also involved:
As they were about to make the raid David Mickle, a brother of accused, was in the backyard. When the latter saw him going to a room where they suspected gambling was going on he rushed and knocked at the wall. (reference)
Sadly David died in August 1912 in Mt Margaret, aged only 52:
The death occurred at the end of last month of Mr David Mickle, an old and respected resident of Mt. Morgans. The cause of death was pneumonia, and the victim, had only been suffering a few days. The deceased left a wife and four young children to mourn their loss. He was a brother of Mr. J. Mickle, of Meekatharra. (reference)
MICKLE. On August 29, 1912, at his late residence, King-street, Morgans, David, the beloved husband of Lottie Mickle (reference)
Lottie moved to Fremantle and from 1917 until 1925 ran her shop on the south east corner of Canning Highway and Glyde Street, East Fremantle. Things must have been very hard and Lottie must have wanted to sell up at certain points:
Nov 23 1921: I Withdraw the Sale of my Business from all agents. C. J. Mickle, 29 Canning-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)
Her children helped her but also pursued their own careers. Her three daughters attended St. Joseph’s Convent, Fremantle, where they all excelled at music. Bessie graduated in 1919 with theory and practical piano honours, along with fellow students Maisie Campbell who became a dentist and Nora Colstead who became a famous pianist. (see Notable People). (reference)
Both Lottie’s eldest daughter Dorothy and her youngest Bessie, became well-known Music teachers. Dorothy graduated first in 1922. (reference)
8 Feb 1924 The Advertiser, p 1. Miss Dorothy Mickle, A.T.C.L., A.I.C.M. Teacher of Pianoforte and Theory. Tuition resumed February 4. 29 Canning Road, East Fremantle.
In 1925 both Dorothy and Olive married. In March Olive married Leslie Payne (1895-1968) and moved into Wanaka, a large mansion on Canning Road:
Marriage… at St. Peters' Church, East Fremantle, by the Rev. G. R. Holland, a pretty wedding was solemnised when Olive M., second daughter of Mrs. C. J. Mickle, of East Fremantle, and the late David Mickle, was married to Mr. L. G. Payne, of ''Wanaka," Canning-road, East Fremantle, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Payne… (reference)
Later that year in November 1925 ‘Wanaka’ was offered for the reception of Dorothy, when she married Herbert Albert Legg (1901-1983):
At St. John's Church, Fremantle, a pretty wedding was recently solemnised when Dorothy, eldest daughter of Mrs. C. J. Mickle, of East Fremantle, and the late David Mickle, was married to Herbert, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Legg, of East Fremantle. The bride, who was given away by Mr. F. Fitch, was daintily gowned in broche crepe de chine trimmed with silk fringe and orange blossom and caught at one side with a pearl cabochon… Mrs Mickle (mother of the bride) looked smart in cinnamon brown marocain and navy hat, and carried a posy of red rosebuds… The reception was held at "Wanaka," the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Payne (sister of the bride). (reference)
The sisters were close and Wanaka offered much enjoyment. See the photo of a group of tennis players taken at Wanaka, c. 1929: extreme left, Phil Payne; extreme right, Dorothy Legg (nee Mickle); in front, Olive Payne (nee Mickle) and Hilda Logue (nee Payne). (Fremantle City Library History Centre 4247)
In 1926 Lottie sold the shop to Mrs Agnes Hevron. The shop and newsagency continued to be run by women: Mrs Hevron until 1930, Mrs Shirley Sade until 1932, Miss Ethel Newman 1933- 1946 and Mrs S. Robinson.
In 1928 Olive Payne gave Lottie her first granddaughter:
On April 5, at Elsenore, Nurse Jones's Private Hospital, Marmion-street, Cottesloe, to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Payne, Waimana, Eric-street, Cottesloe -a daughter, (Nola Antoinette). (reference)
Soon after in 1929 Dorothy gave birth to Lottie’s first grandson:
On May 20, St. Helen's Private Hospital, Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Legg, of Yeovil-crescent, Bicton -a son (Morley David). Both well. ( reference)
Charlotte’s youngest daughter Bessie was also a brilliant music teacher, gaining her Licentiate Diploma (L.L.C.M.) ( reference) in 1926, when she began teaching students, many of whom where featured in the Sunday Times:
1929 Miss Isla Nelson, A.L.C.M. A successful student, who passed the Higher Local Division of the Trinity College of Music, both practical and theory, and gained the Associate Diploma of the London College, with 85 marks. Miss Nelson is a pupil of Miss Bessie Mickle A.T.C.L, L.L.C.M, of 84 McCleary-street, Beaconsfield. (reference)
Miss Bessie Mickle, A.L.C.M., A.T.C.L., L.L.CM., teacher, of pianoforte, harmony and counterpoint, resumes tuition on Tuesday, January 27, at 16 Manning-street, Fremantle. (reference)
In 1932 pianoforte pupils of Miss Bessie Mickle, 37 Osborne Road, East Fremantle passed exams prepared by Trinity and London Colleges and taught teachers Diploma’s (reference)
In 1931 Bessie became engaged to Raymond Cecil Smirk (1907-1975) of South Fremantle and they married in 1933. (reference)
SMIRK (nee Bessie Mickle). On January 31, at St. Helen's Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smirk, of Alexandra road. East Fremantle-a son. (Geoffrey Raymond). Both well (reference)
In Sept 1931 Lottie’s son David Rupert (Monty) became engaged to Eunice Gwendoline Dunne and they were married in April 1933. Raymond Smirk was best man.
MICKLE-DUNNE A marriage of Interest to Perth and Fremantle people took place in St. George's Cathedral recently, between Eunice, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. Dunne, of West Perth, and David, only son of Mrs C. J. Mickle, of East Fremantle, and the late David Mickle, of Morgans. (reference)
David later married Clarissa M P Pearson in 1951.
1939 TO EXPRESS GOOD WISHES TO bid bon voyage to Mrs. C. J. Mickle, of East Fremantle, who is leaving this week for a holiday in the Eastern States, a pleasant evening was spent at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Smirk, of Irwin street, East Fremantle. About 40 friends were present, and the evening was spent with games, dancing and musical items. (reference)
From 1949 until 1963 Charlotte lived at 13 Irwin St, East Fremantle with Bessie and Raymond. She died in East Fremantle aged 94, in 1963.
Mrs Charlotte Mickle above her Newsagency and General Store c 1930s, photo Smirk family in Small but Strong, Helene Charlesworth c 1924