Annie Dubberlin
From 1906 – 1914 Mrs Annie Dubberlin, worked as a draper/dressmaker in a corner shop called Brighton House, on the corner of Sewell St and 83 Canning Highway, Plympton (now East Fremantle).
Annie Emma Sophia Richardson was born in 1875 in Eganstown, Victoria. Her father John Richardson a well known draper in Ballarat, died after being hit by a train in 1880. (reference)
On 30 Dec 1897 Annie married Benjamin William Dubberlin (1870- 1943) a coach painter and trimmer from Ballarat. Ben’s father Horatio Henry Dubberlin (1834-1906) arrived in Australia from England in 1852. In 1863 he married Susan Pamphilon (1841-1915) in Victoria. Benjamin William was the eldest son.
Annie and Ben lived at 58 Eyre Street in Ballarat and had two children: Horatio ‘Horrie’ John born 1899 and Russell Walter, born 1904.
The family came to WA in 1905 or early 1906 -perhaps to attend the wedding of Ben’s sister May:
1906: On April 4, at St. Mary's, Colin-street, West Perth, Samuel Reginald, youngest son of J. M. Bell, Subiaco, to May Annie, fifth daughter of H. H. Dubberlin (late of Ballarat). (reference)
Sadly Annie and Ben’s youngest child Russell died a month after the wedding:
1906 Death on May 31, at Brighton House, Canning-road, East Fremantle, Russell Walter, the dearly-loved infant son of Ben and Annie Dubberlin (late of Ballarat), aged 1 year and 10 months. (reference)
Sewing was one of the occupations open to women. Perhaps to take her mind of the death of her son Annie set up a Drapers shop:
Oct 1907 Some really excellent millinery work is being executed by Mrs Dubberlin, of Brighton House, at the corner of Sewell Street and Canning-Road. East Fremantle. In dressmaking and babies' bonnets and wearing apparel considerable taste is shown at this establishment. East Fremantle residents will find it most advantageous to patronize Mrs. Dubberlin, especially as the prices are lower than city rates.
There are many old Ballarat natives in this district, and all things considered, the ex-residents of the old camp seem to keep up their end fairly well in the trading community. Mrs. Dubberlin, the owner of the well known drapery and millinery store and fancy goods repository, one of the genial busy workers from the land of the Eureka Stockade, would like other ex-residents of Ballarat to come along and view the choice stock of drapery and millinery lines, babies' clothing, laces, fancy goods, and a largely assorted stock of novels and general reading matter, which she is now offering at prices which should prove attractive. She has an excellent stock of materials for hat trimming and dress making, and as her workrooms are supervised by herself, patrons can rely on obtaining a choice example of millinery or a stylish cut costume at prices which will compare favourably with any other establishment in the State. (reference)
1908 Some charming designs in Zephyrs prints and muslin are on sale this week at Brighton House, at the corner of Sewell-street and Canning Road, East Fremantle. Mrs. Dubberlin the proprietress has a varied stock of general drapery lines and fancy goods. A large choice is available to purchasers of magazines, fashion journals, and comic papers and pictorial post cards. (reference)
1908 A BOON TO WOMEN. One of the best establishments in the Fremantle district for elegant dressmaking at reasonable rates, is Mrs. Dubberlin's Brighton House, at the comer of Sewell-street and Canning Road, East Fremantle. Mrs Dubberlin is also the agent for the "Pauline Reliable'' paper patterns. (reference)
In 1910 Annie’s sister Amelia died:
FUNERAL: On May 2, at Malvern, Victoria, Amelia Jessie, beloved wife of John Munro, tailor (late of Claremont, W.A.), third daughter of the late John Richardson, draper, Allendale, Victoria, and beloved sister of Mrs. B. Dubberlin, Brighton House, East Fremantle. (reference)
1911- BRIGHTON HOUSE, CANNING ROAD, EAST FREMANTLE, Mrs, A. Dubberlin. Drapery, Millinery, Under-clothing, and baby Linen. STYLISH DRESSMAKING ON PREMISES. Agent for Pauline Paper Patterns. (reference)
1912 Brighton House, Canning Road, East Fremantle. Mrs. A. Dubberlin. Drapery, Millinery, Under-Clothing, and Baby Linen. Stylish Dressmaking on Premises. Agent for Pauline Paper Patterns. (Reference)
A third son Kenneth Gilroy was born in 1912. (reference)
1913 Ben was elected onto the committee of the East Fremantle Bowling Club and was a life-long bowler. (reference)
1916 the family moved to Wood St, Claremont. Ben still worked as a coach painter. They then moved to 50 St. Leonards Avenue, West Leederville:
1920 The funeral of the late Mr, Edwin H.W. Dubberlin took place on Saturday afternoon last… The cortege moved from the residence of his brother, Mr. B. L. Dubberlin, 50 St. Leonards-avenue, West Leederville… The late Mr Dubberlin, who was a native of Ballarat, Victoria, had resided in this State for the past 15 years (reference)
In May 1919 Ben sat on the jury in a coroners investigation to do with the Lumpers riots:
At the Fremantle Courthouse, the inquiry begun yesterday into the death of Thomas Charles Edwards, who received Injuries during the riot, and subsequently died at the Fremantle Hospital. The jury was composed of Messrs. W. Webb, B. J. Dubberlin, and Alfred Smith. (reference)
In 1922 their eldest son Horatio John married Kathleen O’Keefe and in 1923 Ben and Annie celebrated their silver wedding anniversary:
DUBBERLIN-RICHARDSON (Silver Wedding). On December 30, 1897, at Wesley Church, Allendale, Victoria, by the Rev. J. Lavers, Benjamin William, eldest son of the late Horatio and Susan Dubberlin, late of Ballarat, Victoria to Annie, youngest daughter of the late John and Annie Richardson, of Elizabeth-street, Allendale. Victoria. Present address: 50 St. Leonard's-Avenue, West Leederville. (reference)
They lived in Leederville until 1936. Ben was still working as a coach painter.
In 1935 Kenneth (an Insurance clerk) married Gladys M Hughes and in 1937 Ben and Annie began to live with them at 146 Loftus St, Leederville.
During WWll both Ken (Service Number 83154 RAAF) and Horace’s son Russell Kenneth (Service Number WX22764: Date of birth - 1926) served.
Russell was with the 35th Australian Infantry Training Battalion, Australian Military Forces and grand-daughter Irene Yvonne Dubberlin was employed in a munitions factory.
In 1943 Ben and Annie were living at 83 Gregory St, Wembley- with son Ken (inspector) and daughter in law Gladys, when on 25 August 1943, aged 73, Benjamin died.
Annie died just over a year later on 5 Sept 1944, aged 69.
On September 5, at Leederville, Annie, the dearly loved wife of the late Benjamin Dubberlin, loved mother of Horrie (49 Chatsworth-road, Mt Lawley), and Ken (RAAF); mother-in-law of Kath and Glad; loved grandmother of Irene, Ted (AIF), Russell, Judith, Susan and Caroline: sister-in-law of May, and Sam Bell and Pat and Gerald O'Dwyer. To be privately interred in the Karrakatta Cemetery by Messrs Watkins and Sons, Maylands. No flowers by request. (reference)
Horatio ‘Horrie’ John Dubberlin died in 1955 aged 57 years. His brother Kenneth Gilroy Dubberlin died in 1989 aged 76 years.
If you have any photographs or further family information please contact
1940s Pauline Pattern