Alexander Dow Cowan
(1890 - 1928)
A brilliant businessman A.D. Cowan could see the potential to build the fledgling Neptune Oil Company in Fremantle. He joined the company at 18 and was Manager by the age of 22. He oversaw the growth of the business despite a massive fire which destroyed its yards in 1928. Sadly this was also the year he died- a life cut short at 38 years old.
Alexander Dow Cowan was the third son of Scottish born father John Alexander Cowan (1856-1916) and Irish born mother Sarah Apsley Craig (1859-1923). Two of his older brothers Hugh Craig (1885–1952) and James (Barney) (1887–1915) were born in Melbourne, Victoria but his parents moved to Fremantle where Alex was born in 1890 in East Fremantle. As a boy he attended the Fremantle Boys School. His sister Annie Laurie (Nita) Pabst (1895–1973) was also born in Fremantle.
Alex, at 21, married Ethel Maria Petterson (1890–1955) in 1911, and fathered sons Alexander ‘Lex’ Dow (1912-1965), Jack (1915-), John Charles (1916-1970), and daughter Sybil Patricia who was born in 1917 and died at 4 years old in 1921.
From 1918-1925 they lived at 116 East St (now no. 80). In 1926 the family moved to 7 Irwin St, East Fremantle, where Ethel continued to live, after Alex’s death- until 1941.
A daughter Poppy Joy was born much later in 1929, six months after Alex died.
In 1916, Alex joined the Neptune Oil Company, and by 1922 had become General Manager. (reference)
Waratah motor spirit was made by the Neptune Oil Company which was supplying the Australian market with both Waratah motor spirit and Neptune oils by 1923. The Neptune Oil Co. of Melbourne was a private Australian firm which was established in 1909 by the Kitchen family and imported Pennsylvania crude oil by ship and refined it in Australia.The company was taken over by the Shell Oil company in 1975.
1923 NEW MOTOR SPIRIT Gives Greater Mileage-The Neptune Oil Company, Limited, introduced to the Australian market, about 12 months ago a new motor spirit, under the brand or "Waratah."… It was realised, before the business was opened, that to have any hope of capturing a portion of the Australian trade it was absolutely necessary to offer the Australian motorist a spirit of extraordinarily high quality... (reference)
In August 1925, at age 20 Alex Cowan wrote a letter to the West Australian regarding the proposed duties on motor spirit and kerosene: ‘’The letter written by the British Imperial Oil Co, Ltd., find published in the Press, is misleading, in as much as it tells only half the story....The British Imperial Oil Co.Ltd. I refer to the foreign manufacture. I ask them is it not correct that the motor spirit and kerosene which they are selling in Australia, is manufactured in the Near East largely with black labor, while the spirit packed cases and drums which we and others import from the United States of America ls all manufactured and packed with white labor.’’ (reference)
July 1926 A popular business man of Fremantle, who presides over the destinies of the Neptune Oil Co.. Ltd. in West Australia. He was appointed manager of the concern five years ago upon the transfer of the then manager, Mr. Morrison, to the Brisbane branch of the company. Fifteen years ago the firm commenced here with a staff-comprising a manager, accountant, typist and one storeman, but during Mr. Cowan's regime the company has made wonderful progress in this State. (reference) (see photo)
Sept 1926 - TWO POPULAR FREMANTLE BUSINESS MEN (See Photo) A. D. Cowan, manager of the Neptune Oil Co., and Mr. R. A. Yde, manager of Kitchen's Ltd., photographed at the annual sports meeting of their employees at Coogee. (See Photo A. Orioff) (Reference)
1927 Waratah blue pumps are becoming familiar landmarks; and the general office staff of the Neptune Oil Co. has been increased to cope with the demand for the spirit. (reference)
1927 Manager A. D. Cowan, of the Neptune Oil Company, is naturally pleased that Waratah motor spirit and the company's oils are selling better than ever. Business has increased many times in a few years, and Mr. Cowan now controls a considerably increased staff. (Reference)
1927 -COMMERCIAL MOTOR USERS - First Annual General Meeting - Oil companies: Mr. A. D. Cowan (Neptune Oil Co. Ltd.)(Reference)
Jan 1928 -THREE FACTORIES GUTTED. BIG FIRE AT FREMANTLE. DAMAGE ESTIMATED AT £110,000. SOAP AND OIL FUELED FLAMES. Early yesterday morning at North Fremantle a fire destroyed the factories of Kitchen and Sons (soap makers), the Massey-Harris Co. (manufacturers of agricultural machinery), and the Neptune Oil Company. The loss is estimated at £110,000. The cause of the outbreak is supposed to have been the fusing of electric wires on the premises of Kitchen and Sons. Four fire brigades fought the flames for hours, and their task was made extremely difficult by a very strong wind and a poor pressure of water... (Reference)
1928 Mr. A. D. Cowan, manager for the Neptune Oil Co., said that it was difficult to estimate the company's loss because supplies of oil recently discharged from boats were on the Fremantle wharves or in trucks either on the way to or in the company's stores. The stocks destroyed included 10,000 cases of kerosene, 300 40-gallon drums of lubricating oil, 13 1,000-gallon tanks of oil, 20 tons of cotton waste and tons of belting and engineering lines. The British Imperial Oil Company had consented to accommodate the office staff of the Neptune Oil Company and Kitchen and Sons. So far as could be arranged all the Neptune Company's storemen would be retained in employment… (reference)
Jan 1928 MR. A. D. COWAN The popular head of the Neptune Oil Co. Ltd. in W.A. The company's offices and store at North Fremantle were destroyed by the disastrous fire on Monday morning, but Mr. Cowan found temporary offices the same day to house his staff, and reports “business as usual.” (Reference) see Photo
1928 - DANGEROUS ROADS The dangerous position at the intersection of Queen Victoria and Edward streets, Fremantle, was discussed, Mr. A. D. Cowan reporting that from interviews with certain Fremantle councillors he had learnt that the council was endeavouring to have the boundary wall of the Princess May School shifted back, so that the tram-line could be run in an almost direct line, thus doing away with the dangerous 'S' curve... (Reference)
27 Dec 1928 - Death- The business community was today shocked to learn the news of the tragically sudden death at 5 o'clock this morning at his home of Mr. A. D. Cowan, manager for Western Australia of the Neptune Oil Company. Mr. Cowan, who was about 40 years of age, was at the office, was apparently in his normal health on Christmas Day, but had a seizure at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. He was a native of Fremantle, and received his early education at Fremantle Boys' School. He commenced his business career with the firm of Emanuel Brothers and joined the Neptune Oil Co. about 14 years ago, rising to the position of manager between nine and ten years ago. He is survived by a widow, formerly Miss Peterson, of Fremantle. and two young sons. (Reference)
1928 - DEATH On December 27 at his late residence, Waratah, Irwin-street, East Fremantle, Alexander Dow (Pop), loving husband of Ethel Cowan, and devoted father of Lex and Jack Cowan, aged 38 years, third son of the late John and Sarah A. Cowan, and loving brother of Craig Cowan (Fremantle), and Mrs. J. Pabst (Cottesloe), and the late Private James (Barney) Cowan, dear son-in-law of C. A. and M. J. Petterson, of Clayton-street, East Fremantle, and brother-in-law of Hilda, Jessie, Charlie and Alf Petterson, The Friends of the late Mr. Alexander Dow Cowan (Pop), general manager for Western Australia, Neptune Oil Co., Ltd., Perth, are respectfully invited to follow his remains tor the place of interment, the Presbyterian Cemetery, Fremantle. FREMANTLE BOYS' SCHOOL OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION. The Members of the above Association are respectfully invited to follow the remains of their late Member, Mr. A. D. Cowan (Pop) (Reference)
1929 -WILL Alexander Dow Cowan, late of East Fremantle (died 27/12/28), to Ethel Maria Cowan, of East Fremantle…. (Reference)
July 1929 - Birth On July 17, at St. Helen's, Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Ethel and the late A. D. Cowan, of Irwin-street- a daughter (Poppy Joy). (Reference)
1929 - IN MEMORIAM -In affectionate remembrance of dear Pop, who passed away suddenly on December 27, 1928. We always thought we would be together, That God would not ask us to part; But death laid its cold hand upon you, And nearly broke our hearts. Inserted by his loving wife Ethel, sons Lex and Jack, and baby Poppy. (Reference)
1930 - IN MEMORIAM -A loving tribute to the memory of my dear husband and our father, Alexander Dow (Pop), who passed away suddenly, December 27, 1928. Treasured memories will remain forever. Inserted by his loving wife, Ethel, sons Lex and Jack, and little daughter Poppy. (Reference)
1932 - REEDTEX Pusher, Leatherette Couch, small pine Dresser, Safe. 7 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. (Reference)
1936 We welcome the following new members into our Bobby Bear Club: Poppy Cowan, 'Waratah,' 7 Irwin-street, East Fremantle. (Reference)
1938 - Hero Celebrates Golden Wedding- Braved Raging Sea To Save 90 People Mr. Peterson, 80-year-old veteran shipwright, of Fremantle, was on September 13, 1887, the central figure in one of the pluckiest rescues in the history of the State. That was a year before his marriage 50 years ago at the age of 29. He rescued more than 90 people- the passengers and crew of the s.s. Perth, which was wrecked on Point Cloates reef. Tonight the anniversary will be celebrated with a wedding breakfast at the residence of Mrs. Ethel Cowan, Irwin-street, East Fremantle — the couple's eldest daughter. The celebration has been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Peterson's two sons and three daughters. (Reference)
1940-WEDDING IN SOUTH AFRICA -OF INTEREST to friends of the bridegroom in Western Australia, was the wedding recently of Alexander (Lex), eldest son of Mrs. E. M. Cowan and the late Mr. A D. Cowan, of Fremantle, and Anne, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Saunderson, of Johannesburg, and formerly of Capetown. (Reference) photo
1940 -For sale INDIAN Outfit. 1928. 6/7, appearance, engine, as new, consider trade-in. 7 Irwin-st. East Fremantle. (Reference)
1951 Air hostess married in Fremantle yesterday ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Fremantle, was the scene of a pretty wedding yesterday afternoon when former air hostess May Lundgren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lundgren of Bicton, married Reginald Crosse... Bridesmaids, Dorothy Parkes and Poppy Cowan, were preceded up the aisle by the 4-year-old flower girl Marea Lundgren, who wore a charming frock of lemon broderie anglaise. (reference)
1951 -The engagement is announced of Poppy Joy, only daughter of Mrs. E. and the late Mr. A. D. Cowan, of 7 Irwin-street, East Fremantle, to Frank Edward Preen, third son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Preen, of Bicton. (Reference)
Ethel Maria Petterson died on 3 January 1955 in East Fremantle, Western Australia
Researched by Roberto Scafidi for www.streetsofeastfreo
Alexander Cowan 1926